For Proprietary or Contractual Security Guard or Public Safety Employers
Advanced/In-Service Training
Tactical Communications (sometimes referred to as verbal judo):
This is a 6-8 hour course that teaches staff how to interact with all others to gain voluntary compliance, cooperation and collaboration.
Goals of the course:
•Increased Officer
•Enhanced Professionalism
•Decreased Customer Complaints
•Decreased Vicarious Liability
•Decreased Stress
•Increased Court Power
•Decreased Cynicism
•Increased Morale
Customer Service Training for Security Staff:
- Includes video and lecture on the principles, purposes, and importance of good public relations and representing the institution, company or agency
- How to provide outstanding customer service by the application of certain principles such as possessing a thorough knowledge of the organizational structure including key personnel including any updates or changes.
- Purpose(s)/history of the institution and its parent organization.
- How to handle complaints and view them as opportunities.
- How to deal with students, visitors, staff, and others at all times.
- How to help virtually anyone with a problem or a question.
- How to deal with distractions from people while on maintaining a secure post.
- How perceptions affect public relations and communications, and how to maintain a professional demeanor.

- Tactical Casualty Care Certifications for Licensed Security, Active PD/Fire/EMS/Miltary Only:
- Tactical Combat Casualty Care (for EMT's or Paramedics)
LEFR-TCC teaches public safety first responders including police, other law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders the basic medical care interventions that will help save an injured responder's life until EMS practitioners can safely enter a tactical scene. It combines the principles of PHTLS and TCCC, and meets the recommendations of the Hartford Consensus document and TECC guidelines. *
* Must already be First Aid CPR/AED certified to take this course.

Tactical Fitness and Self-Defense:
Under the Personal Instruction of Expert Military and Police Martial Arts Instructors Students Will Learn:
1. Law of self-defense and use of force for law enforcement and security personnel (classroom).
2. Martial arts footwork, strikes, blows, takedowns, locks, holds, throws, weapons of the hand, weapons of the foot, pressure points, escapes (gym).
3. Effective Tactical Self Defense techniques designed for law enforcement and security personnel (gym).
4. Use of command presence to gain compliance and protect yourself (classroom/gym).
5. Situational awareness and using the environment to protect yourself (classroom and gym).
6. Tactical communications (verbal judo) for law enforcement and security personnel (classroom).
7. Handcuffing techniques for law enforcement and security personnel (gym).
Two certificates:
1. Tactical Self Defense and Handcuffing Techniques Level I.
2. Tactical Communications Level I.
Executive/Dignitary Protection Certification Courses:
These Courses are taught by some of America's best who come from the world's most elite military and law enforcement (US Secret Service, FBI, Navy SEAL Teams, et. al) . Our advanced students are taught the latest methods, develop critical operational and planning skills, and are prepared to handle just about anything comes their way.
If you are a state registered security guard company (contractual or proprietary), and would like to hire one of our student associates (including former law enforcement or military) please contact our placement specialists Frank or Dave at (631) 991-2620 or just e-mail us! You may ask for or contact the School (Executive) Director directly anytime.
Specific Training for Uniformed Officers:
If your company or organization has uniformed security officers and you want them to emulate a US Marine Embassy Guard or US Marine MP -- to be, in a word: SHARP! -- when working for YOUR COMPANY, then you have to have them and their supervisors trained in specific aspects of discipline, personal appearance, readiness, critical thinking/thinking outside the box, hard work ethic, and tactics from somebody who has that experience! From somebody who LIVES that experience every single day of their lives.

Greg Bravo (left), our School Director and Group President
while on active duty in US Marines.
Homeland Security or School Safety training and workable/affordable solutions such as:
- ATWFP (Anti-Terrorist/Work Force Protection
- Asset Evaluation/Threat Assessment
- Active (Random) Shooter (What to do before, during and after event, target hardening and preparation, etc.) in the corporate or school environment.
- Effective and Ineffective Countermeasures, et. al.
for corporate, private, industrial, governmental, residential; maritime, aviation, and transportation; law enforcement and private clients is also available from us using the latest strategies from some of the nation's top high level security, military, and law enforcement experts.
Our Instructors and Consultants
- Have over 200 years (combined) elite law enforcement and military unit experience.
- Are police and military tactical/firearms instructors.
- Have produced training videos and published professional articles and books.
- Have experience with high level elite military and law enforcement units including (but not limited to) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), US Marshals Service, US Secret Service, US Navy SEALs, US Army Special Forces, New York City Police Department, and New York City Department of Correction.
- Have responded to thousands of public safety calls for service. including live bomb incidents, hostage, active shooter, and SWAT calls.
- Have criminal investigator experience.
- Have Counter-Terrorism and High Level Crisis Intervention (hostage and terrorist incident) experience.
- Have firefighter/EMS experience.
Our Classroom Training
- We teach ALL of our students things that they really can use to do their jobs better. Things that can save lives. Our students are very important to us, and we want to insure their survival (and the survival of those in their charge) in any given emergency. We not only go above the state minimum training guidelines for the mandatory courses, but we even give them another day of FREE training of Tactical Communications (sometimes known as Verbal Judo) and Advanced Report Writing to make sure of this.
- The upshot is that our course graduates are always better prepared, and are very grateful for the extra knowledge and helpful tips that they receive from us. Knowledge that can only come from the benefit of over 200 years of combined high level experience that the instructors have had to pay a significant price for; training that can only come from people like them. See what our students say here!
On-Site Training Available
We know that finding affordable and reliable training for an ever-changing security environment in a tight economy can be a real challenge for an employer, and we take this into consideration with group discount pricing. We also know that employers not only want affordable training that will help them stay competitive, but they want their security staff to be able to handle ANY given situation professionally using the type of skills and knowledge that we can teach them. This can only be accomplished through the best training programs available with the most experienced and most dedicated personnel.
Your call is important to us! If you get no answer because we are out in the field training or closed, please leave a message or you can e-mail us by clicking here and we will return your call or message promptly!