Greg Bravo comes from a police family and has over 30 years active experience with elite military and law enforcement units including US Army Special Forces (5th SF Group active duty/Green Beret), Military Police (United States Marine Corp active duty and US Army Reserve), US Coast Guard (reserve), New York City Department of Correction (captain), New York City Police Department (special assignments), US Marshals Service deputy (Eastern District of New York), and armed park ranger with full police powers in Suffolk County.
He is a trained hostage negotiator, noted high level crisis intervention specialist (hostage and terrorist incidents), training coordinator for Homeland Security, and has authored a number of published articles on the subject. His field and training experience also includes working in seven (7) foreign countries on special assignment with INTERPOL agencies including the SO10 section of Scotland Yard as a high level crisis intervention specialist (hostage and terrorist incidents).
In addition to the above, Greg's past trainer experience includes:
- Academy Instructor for various law enforcement subjects and chemical agents for the 14,000 member New York City Department of Correction.
- High level crisis intervention trainer and consultant for some storied Interpol agencies overseas including the London Metropolitan Police (New Scotland Yard), Belgium Police Fédérale Central Bureaux and the RCMP in Ottawa Canada.
- Military Police counter-terrorism and tactical trainer (800 MP Brigade/US Army Reserve, Hempstead, NY).
- US Coast Guard (Station Fire Island reserve unit) firearms, counter-terrorism, and law enforcement tactical instructor.
Helping those in need and those who served . . .
Aside from law enforcement, Greg teaches many of the certification courses personally, and has been actively involved as a volunteer with a number of charitable and community-based organizations that service needy and hospitalized children and veterans for over twenty years.
FREE security guard certifications for US military veteran students with service-connected disabilities and Purple Heart Medal recipients along with preferred job placement assistance was started by Greg in 2009 in a continuing effort of his/our commitment to serve those who served our country with honor and distinguishment.
If you would like to contact Greg directly, you may e-mail him here: E-mail School Director
And you may check out his blog page here.
With the next generation of PO
in the family, October 2008
Wildlife rescue June 2010,
Suffolk County NY
Greg and son at One Police Plaza,
NYC, NY February 2007
Queens NY, December 1988
NYC, NY March 1982
Greg and son while on active duty
with US Army 5th Special Forces Group
in Ft. Bragg, NC
On Active duty (left) with USMC MP Honor Guard, Philadelphia, PA